Saturday 11 January 2014

Character profiles

Koneesha - Nina

Nina is a very sophisticated and smart woman who wears dresses and high heels. We've planned that Koneesha will be wearing a pencil dress however we decided to change this idea because our actors are young adults we thought that it will be better if Nina wore simple but smart, black trousers and black high heels. For makeup, me and my group have decided that red lipstick is a must for our female character. Nina lives in Central London which is known for being expensive and quite exclusive to live in. In our video, we are going to show clips from the expensive shops in Oxfrod Street like Swarovski.

Jessie - Aundre
Aundre is a very laid back and casual character. He wears jeans, trainers and hoodies. He lives in Greenford which is quite a typical West London area. His lifestyle is totally different to Ninas. In this case we are going to use very simple props like a bag pack and a pair of headphones. In our opening sequence we are going to shows clips from the area of Greenford for example, some local shops and fast food restaurants. I think in the final video when we edit and put everything together it will be very easy for the audience to understand their contrasting lifestyles.

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