Easter Homework

Class and status:

I think this particular image represents class and status very well as the man is leaning in front of someone who must be a higher status than him.
The main thing representing social class and status in this scene are the costumes. The man on the left is wearing very expensive looking  clothes whereas the man on the right is wearing simple black clothes.
 The man in this scene takes his hat off and leans down in front another person. This shows that he is a lower class and there's someone he has to respect more.
This scene also represents social class and status as the woman is wearing a very expensive looking dress and jewelry.


This extract mainly challenges the stereotypes of heterosexual couples playing in tv dramas.

I think this is one of the best shots from the extract which represents sexuality as there are two women in bed, one of them is sleeping and the other is trying to touch her breast. This images challenges the stereotypes of only having heterosexual couples in tv dramas.

 This is a good example of stereotypical relationship between a man and a woman. The man is leaning to talk to the woman which shows he is more powerful than her.

This is quite a stereotypical image of a woman getting undressed and  seen as a sex object.

Regional identity:

Regional identity is shown very well in this extract mainly in the dialogue. The woman in the dark coat has a very strong accent which  shows where she is from.
I think the background in this picture shows quite a typical east-end London housing area.

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