Top 5 Grossing Films

To start off I think Avatar made it to the top of the list because it's a very different and an unusual film, the storyline is something that was never done before. The film Avatar can be found on top of the most expensive film productions, its production budget was $237 millions whereas Titanic's budget was $200 millions, this could be one of the reasons why Avatar is on the top of this list. Titanic following avatar on the second place used to be on top of the highest grossing films for about 10/12 years, it went down just after Avatar came out in cinemas. Titanic being a  well know and quite legendary film based on a real story with two very well known actors, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio made it to the second place.  The two top films on this list were both directed by the same director, James Cameron which could also be one of the reasons why people watched these films. Marvel's The Avengers only being produced in 2012 made it to the third place, based on the Marvel's comic books and directed by Joss Whedon. This seems to be a very popular movie among the comic book lovers but also fantasy, action and science fiction fans. I personally think this movie is so popular mainly because of the main actor starring in it, Robert Downey. Next comes Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - part 2 and I personally think the main reason why this movie is on the fourth place is because it's a part of a franchise which was also very successful in the film history. Iron Man 3 on the fifth place with Robert Downey playing the main role. Most people probably watched this movie because of the storyline and because of it being a part of the franchise.

To me what make a successful movie is definitely the storyline and good actors. If the storyline is boring and not interesting then not many people would like to watch it. Actors are also very important as they are the ones who 'make' the movie and help the plot flow. As an example I'm going to use the movie Pirates of the Caribbean The Cure of the Black Pearl which my personal favourite movie. In my opinion the storyline is very interesting and there's a lot of things going on in the film and actors chosen to play the main characters in this movie are great and also my personal favourites (Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom).

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