The Lone Ranger CASE STUDY

Budget: $225-250 million

Distributed by: Walt Disney Studios and Motion Pictures

Produced by: Jerry Bruckheimer and Gore Verbinski


Production:  The principal photography began in March 2012, soon after the first picture of Johnny Depp as Tonto and Hammer as the Lone Ranger was released. Shooting of the film was very dangerous for the crew and the actors because of the horseback riding, gunslinging and lassoing. A bridger and a water safety expert died while working inside a large water tank on set. The production dates were keep on changes because at that time the priority was Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

Distribution:  The trailer was screened at Taormina Film Festival as the closing. This film didn't gain much interest from the audience and not many people watched it and that's why it nearly bankrupted the production company, Walt Disney Pictures.

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