The Boat that Rocked / Pirate Radio CASE STUDY

Budget: $50 million

Gross: $36,348,784

Distribution by: Universal Pictures and Focus Features

Production by: Tim Bevan, Eric Fellener and Hilary Bevan Jones

Directed by: Richard Curtis

Distribution: This movie didn't have a high budget and wasn't very successful in the UK. After a commercial failure the movie was re-edited to trim its running time by 20 minutes and the tile was changed to 'Pirate Radio' which was then released in the US. This wasn't successful either because a lot of money was wasted to do that. After the release in the US the movie was still commercially unsuccessful and didn't earn a lot of money.

Production: Simple yet humours movie posters were put up everywhere to attract attention to the new film. The posters were quite simple and colourful but highlighted the title of movie very well. In total the film had 7 different movie posters. Before the release, Amazon started selling posters, CD's, soundtracks and a few more. 'The Boat That Rocked' has an app in the app store for Ipad, Iphone and Ipod users to spread the enjoyment for the film. A number of video and written articles about the film could be found online. The film used Spotify to create playlists for each of the 9 DJ's featured in the film.

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