Film4 research

How does film4 advertise their movies?
When the company announced the site was free, they used celebrities to advertise Film4. The slogan for the campaign was ''films for free'' which was very simple but effective. Film4 appeals to an American audience, which helps to increase sales.

How does Film4 distribute their movies?
In 2002, Film4 no longer distributed their own movies, due to financial problems. They now use film festivals as an opportunity to get the attention of distributers.

How does Film4 exhibit their movies?
Each summer Film4 exhibits their movies on the Film4 Summer Screen which is an open screen.
Link to a clip about the Summer Screen.
They also exhibit films on TV, cinema, home video, DVD and Blur-ray.

''Cross-media convergence and synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences''

I agree with this statement as cross media convergence and synergy are both important to making a successful movie however  they don't always guarentee the success.

> Skyfall - cross media convergence and synergy helped to make the film even more successful however even with out it the movie would be very popular because of its massive fan base.

> The Lone Ranger - Disney being a vertical integration, the film almost bankrupted the Walt Disney Pictures. The film was highly advertised on the Disney channel and in the Disney stores (cross media convergence and synergy).

> High School Musical - Synergy being used to advertise the movie (toys, clothes, cups etc.) made the movie very successful.

> The Dark Knight Rises

* Vertical and horizontal integration
* Conglomerate
* Fanbase
* Inducement
* Mediums

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